The HOPE Podcast

A weekly podcast devoted to the explanation of the Laws governing Health, Opulence, Peace and Enlightenment. Join us for exciting new content about The Ascended Masters and the Law of Life. Find out more at

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Episode 26: Radiation

Monday Oct 24, 2022

Monday Oct 24, 2022

It's easy to feel that what is spoken or read to someone is what is important in their reception. Often times we focus on the content instead of the intention and radiation from the speaker. In reality, the majority of the essence of communication is done with radiation. Learn about how the Ascended Masters use radiation and how it affects the words we receive from them. Listen to this episode to find out how radiation is constantly affecting us whether we know it or not and how we can use it to our advantage. Note: this is not about nuclear or harmful radiation only, but all energy that pours out from everything.

Episode 25: Luminous Presence

Thursday Sep 08, 2022

Thursday Sep 08, 2022

What is the Luminous Presence and how do we use it? Find out how we can use this Ascended Master's tool for healing, correcting conditions, bless life and even help the Beings of the Elements. It does require some practice to first be able to hold mental pictures for sustained periods to create a cup or focus. After charging it with the Luminous Presence, the substance can never be misqualifed by discord. 

Episode 24: Visualization

Thursday Sep 01, 2022

Thursday Sep 01, 2022

We do this all the time without being aware of it. Think of the route you take to go to the grocery store. Did you see yourself get in a vehicle or the map directions and road cues along the way? That is visualizing. Visualization is a technique of picturing in the mind, similar to how we might think a movie may play inside our heads. Everyone is capable of doing it, while some may need a few promptings and practice to get the hang of it. It is actually a great tool to help raise our own consciousness. Learn some simple visualizations to work with the divine plan.

Episode 23: Dis-ease

Thursday Sep 01, 2022

Thursday Sep 01, 2022

While not many people enjoy discomfort and welcome pain, few realize they welcome dis-ease into their lives by conscious decisions and misharmony in their attention. How one deals with fears and anger (or other emotions) can lead to physical outcomes in the body. This podcast shines light on how using visualization techniques and other Teachings can aid in our own healing. 

Episode 22: Healing

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

What actually happens in the inner when we call for healing? Healing is not about fixing anything broken, but about returning to wholeness. Much of our health conditions are created by unbalanced emotions. Now we can be active participants in healing ourselves especially with the tools we have been given. Listen to this podcast to learn about using the Law of Forgiveness, recognizing your Presence, and using the Pillar of Light. See how one may even restore body parts and learn how Jesus also performed so called miracles.

Episode 21: Elementals

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

It is often mentioned in books that our body is made up of elementals. This is not referring to the atoms and elements, but rather four elements represented by earth, air, water, and fire. They are spiritually represented by physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies that make up our four lower bodies. Find out how this relates to our three-fold flame and what this has to do with nature. How can we master youth and beauty and what activities are governing natural disasters? 

Episode 20: Death

Saturday Jun 11, 2022

Saturday Jun 11, 2022

Most people associate Death from movies or loved ones who have passed on. And some even have near death experiences. Death should not be seen as a mournful experience when seen from a spiritual perspective. Listen to this podcast for enlightenment on the Transition called Death and what happens afterwards.

Episode 19: Karma

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022

Karma is the law of cause and effect. All actions will eventually follow a prescribed path back to it's source. We are constantly creating with words and feelings and forming the outer reality in our individual worlds. Yes, even discordant thoughts will return and be perceived as suffering until we are willing to transmute and learn from our previous miscreations. We can also view certain injustices in the world as part or in whole due to our contribution to it. Instead of blaming some other person, place or thing; we can take responsibility and see each challenge we face in life as opportunities to redeem karma. For it is only our karma which has allowed such a situation to present itself in our life, whether pleasant or irritating. When we reach our final embodiment, we agree to take on all of our karma and transmute it before we make the ascension--this can be very strenuous. 

Episode 18: Flame

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022

The flame is actually a concentration of a light ray. The primal substance of light is concentrated until it produces a flame just like you would condense a sun ray through a magnifying glass. However, Sacred Flame is not only primal light, but it is also qualified consciously and can do much more than a physical fire. Learn how self-conscious Beings have used the Sacred Fires and how we can call it forth daily because we also contain the immortal flame within each of us. 

Episode 17: Love

Wednesday May 25, 2022

Wednesday May 25, 2022

All you need is love. Love is all there is. We hear catchy phrases on love everyday in our songs and poetry and writings. But how often do we muse on the difference between personal love and divine love? What is real love and how is it a force in our lives?
Although this particular podcast is less than 5 minutes, love is something which we can meditate on for a long time. Profound Truth is usually found in the simplest notions. Contemplate love.


Victory is Ours!

If you are pondering the meaning of life, if you are searching for explanations beyond the world of form and current science, if you thirst for spiritual knowledge and guidance--we welcome you to the HOPE Podcast. 

Regardless of affiliations (religious, cultural, class, etc), H.O.P.E. for all of humankind, this planet, and all life is a tenet we are determined to maintain. We are constantly striving for victory in our lives and for the evolution of this world. To better prepare our consciousness for accelerated enlightenment, we freely share the knowledge provided on this podcast and on our website to help as many listeners as possible. The HOPE Podcast is dedicated to bringing sensible straightforward knowledge to aid anyone on the path to their Victory. We will also delve into deeper spiritual philosophies and teachings such as who the Ascended Masters are, tools for spiritual protection and transmutation, and practices to strengthen your powers of Faith and Manifestation, just to name a few.

We welcome you with open hearts and outstretched arms to the Universal Family. Indeed, love is still the way.

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